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A Complete Guide to Cars! How else could you describe a site that is dedicated to promoting the art of cars, everything and anything to do with cars. Cars are an essential tool in our everyday lives, though most people tend to take them for granted. This site promotes the existence of cars in every possible aspect. Take time to visit this site and you just might learn something new! Enjoy...

Image extracted from: http://www.carmagazine.co.uk/News/Search-Results/Motor-show--events/Other-shows/CARs-guide-to-the-2008-New-York-auto-show/ 


The shortlinks section on the right is updated all the time, day and night so you best bet to subscribe to the RSS feed. Main articles are updated 5-6 times per week. We are different than the rest because we give you exactly what you want concerning the automotive industry. By saying this we spice it up with a bit of entertainment, update you on the latest in the car world and of all integrate all aspects of cars into one blog for your viewing. If there is one thing we haven't included in this blog for your liking feel free to send us a feedback.


All our images and articles are referenced to the original homepage extracted from, that if necessary, and so we are more about linking you to what, who or where you need to get your information about cars from.

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